If we talk about acting skills in dramatic roles, the names of the two young men, "Earth-Pirapat Wattanasetsiri" and "Mix Sahaphap Wongratch", the partners of GMMTV, must be among the top names that series fans will think of.Because their past works are all dramatic and heart-wrenching, such as A Tale of Thousand Stars, Moonlight Chicken, a classic work that has taken them on a tour to receive awards both domestically and internationally.
Dramatic roles is their specialty, but at the same time, both "Earth" and "Mix" never stop developing themselves. They still seek out new experiences to challenge themselves all the time. Their latest series, Ossan's Love Thailand, is another role that they have challenged themselves with once again.
For Ossan's Love Thailand, a series inspired by the Japanese series Ossan's Love, adapted into a Thai version that has a full Thai feel. This time, we will see the roles of "Earth-Mix" switched.
We get to see "Earth" in the character of "Heng" who is bright and full of positive energy, while "Mix" in the role of "Mo" seems to be more serious and has to clash with the senior actor "Shahkrit Yamnam" throughout the series.
From the different kind of roles, "Earth-Mix" have upgraded their acting skills in new directions, such as playing comedy, which, although difficult to perform, is the first time that allows them to "rest" from the stress of work. It also allows them to find another side of each other, until they become "Earth-Mix" today, who have become each other's "comfort".
🎤 This year 2025, start the year by letting fans meet the comedy.
🌏Yes, this January, come with fun, laughter, and also some gloomy….
🪐 let’s wait and see what going to happens. Please stay tuned.
🎤 When you first found out that you would be playing in this series, how did you feel?
🪐 I'm very happy, really happy because I've seen this series before. I'm a person who likes to watch Japanese TV shows, and I've seen this series for a long time. So one day I had the opportunity to be in it, I was really happy. But I was also a bit stressed when I found out. Because this series is a very famous. The actors who played in it are very well known. They're top stars in Japan. I had the opportunity to play, I felt so happy.
🌏 I'm glad too. This is a role that we've never played before, both Mix's character and mine. Normally we play romantic dramas. Earth has never played a character like this before, so I really wanted to play it. I did my homework on everything. I look into the characters, try to find their needs, study their relationships, and did everything to the fullest so that everyone could watch it. I hope they will like it.
🎤 Did "Earth" feel the same pressure that "Mix" feels working in this series?
🌏 I'm not really afraid. I don't know why I should be afraid. Because I’m not competing with anyone. I’m competing with myself. I want to make a challenge to play a characters that I've never played before. And the interesting stories, Ossan's Love Japan did so well. I just have to try to do my best. That's enough. I didn’t put pressure on myself.
🎤 How did you start working on the character?
🪐 Mix's part was a bit difficult because the character is quite strict, but in an environment where everyone is so chill, everyone has high level of energy. How do I balance it so that I can be strict but blend into the background? This is what I feel like I have to work on the hardest. By the time I found the balance it was when we started read-through. But when I actually went to act, P’ Au said it was okay, so I felt like I had completed my part. What was left was how much I can get into the character in each scene.
🌏 For me, it's more about energy. In the character of "Heng", he's very bright, he's very feel-good. But in real life, I can't be like that. For Earth, I have a calm part, an alert part, but I picked out the part that I’m alert to use as much as I can while I’m working in this series. Which is a bit hard. If you ask me whether or not I feel tired? I am exhausted. For example in one week, we shoot for four days. So I have to be alert for four days.
🪐 We were drained for the remaining 3 days.
🌏 Yes, for the remaining 3 days, I just stayed home and slept. But it was a happy work. I worked really hard to be the character Heng. And I feel that the character Heng helped heal my heart. In some ways, he always feel-good while I was stressed out with work. At least when I met the character Heng, it made me feel like he was there to help me not be more stressed.

🎤 Because he has something that Earth feels Earth didn’t have.
🌏 Yes, I've been acting for over 10 years. And I just found out that the characters can help us.
🪐 This character isn't a negative person. He's a positive person. Sometimes, people have both negative and positive sides, right? But because this character is so positive, it makes us think more positively and have a positive attitude. Because this character is a little bit of a loser, but he's like, "Well, I’m a loser, so what?" something like that, but he can still do the job.
🌏 He didn't cause anyone any trouble.
🪐 I really like this idea. I’m a loser, but I can be loser who are happy. We just have to accept it and let it be. I once watched a cartoon that had this kind of idea. I felt that it didn't hurt anyone. Because sometimes people make mistakes. We just have to find something good from it.
🌏 Even though in real life we can't get over it, but the characters can teach us that it's just a small matter, let's get over it. It'll get better. I myself have really got better. It's not that the old characters I played didn't teach me, but they taught me in a different way, a grew up way. But this character taught me to go back to basics.
🪐 Each series taught us in a different way. But this series teaches us to find small happiness in life to make life easier. Suddenly it getting too deep. This series is a rom-com, everyone.
🎤 It's a rom-com that might be deep with real life.
🪐 It really depends on the interpretation (laughs).

🎤 Normally “Earth-Mix” know each other in every aspect. But is acting in this series make you discover other new aspects of each other?
🌏 I just know that Mix is very good at taking care of other people, right? (Turn to ask Mix)
🪐 Yes but I knew it for quite sometime (Laughs like a winner)
🌏 Because normally I stand at the point that I have to take care of him. Keep telling him “Mix, this is no. Don’t do this.” But for this series I took a really hard role. Just like watching I said, the character is really different from myself. Except from being clumsy, it’s the same (just kidding). Mix is the one who taking care of me. “Have I read the script?” Highlight the script for me. “Do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?” Mix took care of everything during the time that I didn’t have car.
🪐 Actually we always taking care of each other. Probably because I feel like I’m growing up. It’s the period that P’Earth didn’t have car. I feel like I can care for him. I take care of him normally. In fact I take care of everyone who’s close to me. But for P’Earth, after we work hard, before this he drives by himself so I didn’t take care of him much.
🎤 Because you have grown up so you want to take care of him. Or you taking care of him the same way but a bit more?
🪐 I think it’s always there. But it was in the situation that I can do it. But lately I can.
🌏 This is where I got surprised. He is really good at taking care of other people.

🎤 How do you like it when he takes care of you?
🌏 It’s….
🪐Tell themmm (high pitched) like a mother.
🌏Like my parent. Keep asking “Have you eat?” “Have you read the script?” Actually I was about to read it. But I never get mad at him when he orders me around or telling me what to do. I feel like ohh…..that’s really cute. I can see that he cares. I never see this side of Nong. Nong Mix is…
🪐I’m a bit bossy. Like, “have you read the script?” When we have to wake up, when we have to leave the house.
🌏 Have you shower? (Make complaining face)
🪐Yes I’m strict with everything. Strict with the time. For example if I have to work tomorrow. I will see what time is the work, when I have to wakeup, when I have to leave the house. I’m always like this. So when P’Earth came to live with me. I’m like..hay we have to wake up at this time, leave the house at this time, finish this at this time, go to bed at this time.
🌏 “Do you want me to order beverage for you too?”
🪐 “Do you want me to order beverages for you too?” Do you want anything? Fruit? So I just ordered a bit extra for him.
🌏So all my money still with me. No need to pay. Just kidding. I pay later ja.
🌏This is a good point krab. During this time let Mix taking care of Earth. When the time comes when Mix wants someone to take care of him. Earth will take care of him.

🎤 For Mix, what Earth is like?
🪐 I saw something different. (Thinking)
🌏 You didn’t see anything.
🪐 No..I didn’t see (laughs)
🌏There have to be some pros. Pros or cons both are ok.
🪐 I knew everything both pros and cons. For me he’s the same.
🌏 Let’s talk about pros.
🪐 Pros, let me think about it. I think one of the pros is at lease he is listen to me. Just like what he said that he didn’t get mad. Sometimes when I say something, this and that. Other people might get mad at me.
🌏It’s like I’m about to do it. Why do you have to tell me to do it.
🪐 Some people might get annoyed. But at least he knows my intentions that when I said it. It’s not like “Hey!! You have to do like this!!” Sometimes I have good intentions. I’m not sure but I didn’t raise my voice.
🌏In the past Mix and I have lot of ego. When we were young. My thoughts, your thoughts. But when we get to work together. We got more close. I feel like, why do we have ego? It such a waste of time. If Earth still has ego, Earth will be like “I knew it already. Why you have to tell me? I’m about to do it. Right now!!!” But now Earth is not like that at all. I didn’t have ego with him.

🎤 When is my thoughts, your thoughts becomes our thoughts?
🪐I think it started from back then when we fought very hard.
🌏We didn’t talk to each other for 3 months right?
🪐Ahh, 6 months right? We didn’t talk at all. But in the working part we talk normally. We can do it, no problem at all. But in our personal life we live separately. But we can work together no problem. But I think after we clear things up. Working together later on we already know each other’s limits. It’s like we know what he likes, what I don’t like. We went through it smoothly.
🌏Find a middle point between us. Find the way that won’t hurts one another. Reduce our stubbornness.
🎤Now you already found the middle ground between you two. After that do you feel like it helps relieve some of your feelings in some way?
🪐 I found it for quite some time.
🌏 I feel like, why we were so serious before?
🪐 I think it’s easier to work together. Look at each other and there’s nothing. Do you understand?
🌏 There’s nothing?
🪐 I mean, there’s nothing to doubt.!!
🌏 when I want to do something for him, I want to do it 100%. In the past, I have this idea. If Earth does this for him, will he get overconfident? Will he get use to it? Something like this. But right now if I want to do something for him I will do it straight away. If he gets use to it then just let it be.
🪐For me if I want to do something for him. I was worry. Will he be ok with it? So in the past I withhold it a bit. But now if I want to I will do it.
🌏 Combine with working together. We have been acting in series together for 4 years already. This year everything went smoothly the most.
🪐Yes this is the year that going smoothest since we started spending our life together.
🌏 Because many things happen. Such as, problems, memories and this and that. It helps us grow and we grow together. We see each other’s true colours. And no more ego.
🎤 A part of the reason for that (found a middle ground) is because the series is lighthearted?
🪐I think so, the script is light and serves well. I mean when the script is not heavy our mind is not heavy too. When everything is dramatic we have to think a lot.
🌏Ahh, yes. I think so too. But when I’m the one acting in the series I didn’t aware of it. Because normally I like playing dramatic role.
🪐And Earth likes to carry the dramatic back. Ohh..
🌏I’m carrying a lot of clouds above my head.
🪐Opened the door, the first thing he did is looking at himself in the mirror and let the tear run down. He’s so into it.
🌏 No no, I’m into the series. I mostly acting in a lot of dramatic. When I catch in a comedy series it has different way of thinking it’s more lighthearted.
🪐We can’t think too much it won’t be comedy.
🌏So we use the hard thinking in dramatic instead.
🎤 “Earth Mix” are already foud of comedy series?
🌏Ohhhh, when I came home I slept like a dead person every day.
🪐 With this series, P’Earth was so exhausted. He used a lot of energy. Even Mix’s role which I feel like it’s not as energetic as P’Earth role. I still feel tired, Let’s alone P’Earth.
🌏 My character, really exhausted. Because energy has to go up up can’t drop. I have to keep the energy at the same level with the first day. When the director walk to me and said “This is perfect.” I was like sh_t! I was so extra that’s mean I have to act like this every day. That the reason why fc wonders where is P’Earth. (Act like sleep) P’ energy is all drained. Because I don’t know what is the chair. There are chairs in the shooting set right? I don’t got a chance to sit on it. My character is in almost every scene. And Heng knows everyone. Momo too.
🪐 Now you know how it feel. When you didn’t have a chance to sit.
🌏I take it as a new experience, a challenge to myself. I never play comedy role before. This is the first series that I truly play comedy role. I would like everyone to stay tuned. Ossan’s Love Thailand krab.

🎤With this series, how did you up the level of your acting skills?
🪐 For me, i think when playing a comedy, the most important thing is timing. You have to play it very sharply. And I'm not exaggerating, but Shahkrit (Shahkrit Yamnam) made me see a lot of the right timing. (The right time when you have to say the script or to act.)
🌏Yes, P’ Shahkrit is one of the teacher of EarthMix and a teacher of everyone. We tried to learn from P’Shahkrit.
🪐 And P'Shahkrit, sometimes if we can't do it, he'll come and teach us. There was a scene where we were filming at the golf course and we used this location to film twice. It rained both times so we couldn't film it. We had to cancel and film again later. This is the only scene left for this location. We had to finish filming it there that day. It was a scene where I had to act in a comedy way, where I had to drop my phone. But I couldn't do it because if shoot it naturally it won’t work. P'Shahkrit advises us to do it this way. He told us that from the camera angle it’s going to work well, but from our feelings, it might feel a little weird.
Which was like, oh he’s right. Because I have little experience with comedy. I don't know what the timing is. Most of the series I've done are dramatic and romances. It did't rely on visuals as much. It rely more on feelings. We have to act more through our eyes, our inner feelings. But for comedy is also about physical. I feel like this series gives me an opportunity to act more physically.
🌏 For me, it's about timing and camera angles. Normally, when I act, I don't really care about the camera angles. They'll do close-ups for us. But this is a comedy, so we have to rely on timing and camera angles. If I catch this phone, will the camera come to film it in time? We have to rely on each other and work as a team.

🎤What are your expectations for this series?
🌏 I hope that everyone will like it and have a relaxing time with it. For those working both in front of the camera and behind the camera, we did our best. I want everyone to try it out and open up, experiences it together. Just like EarthMix that has never played a character like this before and open up to try it. I want everyone see EarthMix's new kind of role.
🪐 What I expect? I want this series to be a series that everyone who watches it will be happy and comfortable watching it. I think that this series has a lot to offer. At least it can bring a smile to everyone. Even if it's just a little small, it's still good. As P'Earth said, in every work, everyone has put their heart into it, both teams, in front of camera and behind the camera. In the end, it's up to the viewers to decide whether it's okay or not. Please give us a comment. You can praise or criticize. I'd like to thank everyone who watch this series. Please stay tuned and watch this series. I'm sure that this series will be one of the series that everyone going to watch and smile. Please support Ossan's Love Thailand krab
🎤 Finally, in 2025, what would you like to see yourself?
🌏 I want to see myself playing a character that is different from before. I've already done dramatic, I've done comedy. I want a psychological role with layers of thought. I really want it. It would be a challenge. I want to see myself get to that point.
🪐 Actually, I ask for the same thing every year. This year, it's a change. Normally, I ask for myself to be happy and for the people around me to be happy. This year, I ask for me to be great. (laughs)
🎤 This year you are great also, because you already graduated.
🌏 With Second class honors.
🪐 I would like to be great in many aspects, I hope I can become even better.(smile)
Translated by YILOVEY
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