Return to get the scream from fans again with series Ossan’s Love Thailand. The latest work of Earth-Pirapat Watthanasetsiri and Mix Sahaphap Wongratch. This time Praew would like to update story of friendship and their 11 years deep connection.
🎤 What is your goal for this year?
🌏 Earth didn’t set up a big goal. I like to focus on my work one at a time Earth feel like I’m growing up one more step. The last year I got so many opportunities which I gave it my all in every woke I did. I want to do my best as an actor. If I have a chance I would like to act in a more challenging role. Complex character with many layers of feelings.
🎤 How about Mix? You already graduated, what is your plan?
🪐Now I’m already graduated. (Veterinary medicine, Chulalongkorn University) I’m working more flow now. Many people ask if I’m going to be a vet. I have no plan for that yet. I want to work in the entertainment industry first. But in the future I would like to further my study in Medicine krab. Right now I’m trying to focus on my work one at a time. I feel like I’m so lucky to got a chance to work in the entertainment industry. And got main role for the first series that I’m in. I got to do many things. Thank you for every opportunities that have been given to me krab.
If you ask me if I want to do anything more in the future? I didn’t have that exact goal yet. I want to do my best for the work that I have now.
But if I have a chance. I want to try being a MC, a DJ because I haven’t done that before. I want to know if I can do it or not. And I would like to improve myself more as an actor krab.
🎤 Both of you are also partner in real life. What do you think about working and living together all the time?
🌏 Earth think it’s good na. (Smile)
🪐 Yes, for me it’s a very good thing. Because we talk about everything. We got a chance to recap our day, how our day went. What are you ok or not ok with. And because we have been knowing each other for such a long time. It’s easy to talk to each other. If we have a problem with something or want the other person to do something we can just say it. We can talk about everything with each other.
🌏 The closeness makes us have the courage to talk, to do things, to express ourselves about our idea, our feelings and our action to each other. When we are acting together, we can perform to our full potential more then person who just met and have to act together.
🪐Yes krab. Another thing is we aren’t self-canter. We listen to one another. That’s why we don’t fight with each other. Because we know what the other person is like.
🎤 Have you ever fight?
🌏 Oh……about everything krab. From fight over a glass of water, fight over who gonna wake up first, who gonna go to bed first. But if it’s about work we almost never fight. Because we feel like we have to separate work from personal matter.
🪐 For example, I wake up easily and do things really fast. Sometime we fight like , you wake up first please I’m gonna wake up later, because I’m getting ready faster. That’s why Mix always tells P’Earth to wake up early so we can go quickly. (Laugh)
🌏And when I wake up early but at the end we still have some time left. I’m gonna be like “Why you have to wake me up so early?” And he will be like “Because if I didn’t wake you up early you gonna be late.” We fight over this little things. But now we don’t fight anymore. (Laugh)
🎤 What is the turning point that makes you two stop fighting?
🌏 I think it’s more about the understanding krab. We do the same thing we always do (laugh). But we don’t fight anymore. Because I know he’s like this, I’m like that. We found the middle ground for us. For Mix he’s strict about time. I know and I understand why he have to wake me up early because he doesn’t want to be late. So he wake me up early just in case.
🪐 I strict about time. Time to wake up, time to eat, time to sleep. I want to get more than 9 hours of sleep. And if I have work that day. For example if the appointment is at 10.00 So 9.50 I have to be there already.
🎤 So, what are the things that Earth is strict?
🌏 Umm…about work? (Turns to ask Mix) Maybe about singing krab.
🪐 (Mix helps to confirm it) Yes krab. P’Earth is really serious about singing. He gave it all, the inner feeling, the facial expression and everything about performance. P’Earth practice a lot.
🌏We discussed about, should we use this tone of voice today? Or should we use our own voice but just only the dynamic part with different kind of energy. We always discuss and practice.
🪐 When he’s at home. He likes to sing, always. (laugh) And I think, he likes to give me a brief. When we are at home, out of the blue, he told me “We going to 1 2 3 4 and the blocking (explain below) is like this” But at the end, when music is played. He I’ll be focusing on the music and forget all the blocking.
(Blocking = pre-planned and organized choreography of actors' movements and positions on stage, designed to tell a story, convey meaning, and guide the audience's focus.)
🌏 I enjoy the music and let myself loose.
🪐He’s more of an artist. But I like to follow the exact blocking. There was that one time, so funny. The last scene on stage we agreed that at the end we are going to hold hand and walk out of the stage together. But when the time comes, P’Earth was really into the music. I reached my hand out to hold his hand. But oh…there was no hand. I was gobsmacked because P’Earth finished the song and just walk away. (Laugh)
🌏 I just realised when I saw video clip from fanclub. (Laugh)
🎤 What do you like the most in each other?
🌏 Earth likes that Mix have a plan for his life. Maybe because Earth didn’t have exact plan. But Mix, he will plan what will he do tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next month. Which Earth took some of that habit from him to adapt and use it for myself too. (Smile)
🪐 The good thing in P’Earth is Emotional Control krab. When Mix have problems Mix can’t control my emotions. Sometimes I will just go silent and won’t do anything. Or I just freak out and being frantic. But P’Earth will be calm. Which I think it’s really good because when he calm he is thinking of the solution for the problem.
Which is opposite from Mix. And it’s good when we are together. I learned a lot from him. In the past when I face problems I cried my eyes out. Now I try to control my emotions and being more calm.
🎤What do you worry about each other?
🪐 He being alone too much. Think alone, do things alone. When he faces problem he like to go up to his room and shut the door. Even though we live in the same house.
🌏Feel like I got scolded (laughs) The thing is, I like to figure things out by myself first before asking for help from others.
🪐 That true, but sometimes I don’t want him to be alone. But at the end I understand him. It’s his personality.
🌏 I worry about Mix, about his planning for the future. It’s a good thing, but on the other hand I’m also worry. Sometimes he’s being so strict to the point that he got stress even though it’s not happening yet. I want him to be more relax krab.
Thank you so much for the translation!!!